Camp Yawgoog
Troop 99 has made Camp Yawgoog our summer camp outing for years. Founded in 1916 as “A Scout Adventureland Forever,” Camp Yawgoog is situated on 1800 acres of beautiful wilderness in Rockville, Rhode Island. Yawgoog is divided into three separate Camps: Three Point, Medicine Bow and Sandy Beach.
All three camps share reservation program facilities. For example, the Nature Center is located in Camp Three Point, but is available to all Scouts on the Reservation. Each Camp has its own traditions – a color, songs and cheers – but all three Camps offer the same opportunities to Scouts. The atmosphere of healthy Camp competition is a unique aspect of the Yawgoog experience. Yawgoog Scout Reservation is a part of the Narragansett Council, Boy Scouts of America. The Council is a member of the Rhode Island Association of Camps, and subscribes to its principles of operation.