May 2020
Our troop did not have any meetings during the month of May 2020 because of the Corona Virus pandemic. The Mayflower Council follows the BSA guidance about Scouting activities and we are still not allowed to meet yet for safety reasons.
Unfortunately, Camp Yawgoog will not be open this summer so we are pretty sad but we found out they may try to do something virtually if they can, so stay tuned!
The Scout Leaders made it possible for us to work on some Merit Badges using Google Classroom. They have set up over 25 different merit badges for us! I am working on finalizing Citizenship in the World. My counselor is able to comment on my requirements and I can write back to her easily.
Our SPL asked all of us to fill out an online form for our troop election coming up. The survey asked us which of the Position of Leadership we would like to take on for the coming year.
Because of the pandemic, we are not able to do any community service with Scouts but we can still do community service with our families if we want. Hopefully all of us are helping other people in some way and doing a good turn daily.
Since I don't really have any more content to write in here, I would like to thank all of the Scouts and adult leaders who participated in my surprise birthday drive by. All the birthday signs were great and it was pretty cool to see the older Scouts driving their own cars.
There were so many people that came it would take a long time to post all of the pictures in. It was fun seeing everyone as a group again!
This sign was cool and funny because I thought someone bought me a bike, even though I already have one. Then I saw who was inside and realised, oh wait it’s MrG! They own a bike rack which makes the perfect spot for a sign!