March 2020

Before MBU and Robotics on March 7, there was a virus going around which could be spread very easily through tiny water droplets in the air (coughing, sneezing, laughing and even talking) called the Corona Virus or Covid-19. This virus started in Wuhan China and has spread all over the world. As of March 12, we have not been able to attend school and other events because of this virus.

We did not know as much about the virus when we attended MBU and Robotics on March 7. Right after these 2 events more news came out and therefore rules and restrictions about contact with other people were set by the government. First you were not allowed to be with more than 100 people at a time and then 25 people at a time and then it dropped to 10 people at a time. People are being asked to stay at home and if you do go out to stay 6 feet away of each other. Emails were coming out from our Scout troop leaders saying that we would be unable to meet until things got better and it was safe. This meant that the second week of MBU and most of the upcoming trips we planned are postponed. But just for the time being!

Unfortunately the virus has impacted the entire world. My own family hasn’t left our house much since March 12, except for my dad who is still allowed to work. We have taken some bike rides where it is just me riding my bike and waiting for everybody to catch up! My parents are doing their part by ordering groceries online so we don’t take on any more risk.

We have been able to work on Merit Badges online but haven’t been able to meet as a troop or as the PLC group. We are now hoping to meet in May. We’re not allowed to go back to school until May 4 and I fear that date may change again. All of everyone’s other activities have been postponed until then like kids who play basketball or baseball or soccer or any biking club or are in robotics. The same is happening with my sisters gymnastics team.